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Destroy All Humans 2 - Reprobed - Cinematic VFX (Crypto Saves Natalia)

This scene was a really fun challenge and I enjoyed working with fellow VFX Artists Svetlana Detkova and Will Jennett on this scene. I worked with Plan A and Ruckus Dev in collaboration with the developers of DAH2, Black Forest Games, to bring this scene to life with VFX elements and sequencer animation. 
- Responsible for all FX Assets placement and sequencer animation (Except for the Laser Blaster FX) 
- Created assets, materials and particle systems for additional sparks, smoke, fire and explosions ground fog and environmental fog 
I was in charge of VFX supervision for multiple cutscenes and Gameplay VFX on the project with a small but talented team of 3 additional VFX artists. 
Original Gameplay capture by Gamer's Little Playground. You can find the full video of all cutscenes on their channel here:

Gameplay Cutscene - Responsible for all FX placements (Except for the Laser Blast) and Sequencer animation for the FX for the following scene.

FX placements, created Fires, environmental fog, ground fog and gas clouds.

Created environmental fog and gas, fire and fiery green smoke. Green gas geysers by Svetlana Detkova

FX placements, created Fires, environmental fog, ground fog and gas clouds.

FX placements, created Fires, environmental fog, ground fog and gas clouds.

Created side green gas explosions, Main smoke plume explosion, green gas trailing from jetpack, and heat shield effects around characters.

Smoke kickoff from thrusters

Gun smoke